How Semetis implemented the mobility budget?

Semetis is the Belgian market leader in Digital Advertising & Digital Business Intelligence. The company was created in 2009 by two former executives of Google. From the start, employee well being has been an important element to attract and retain talent. To ensure employee happiness and wellbeing, Alisson joined Semetis as Happiness Manager in 2019.

The challenge: offer a flexible mobility plan tailored to each employee

Having a company car used to be one of the most prestigious compensation benefits. But mobility needs are changing. Some of the new-joiners don't even have a driving license. So Semetis recently realized the company car is no longer the most desired salary benefit anymore. Employees want flexibility. My goal is to be present, maintain the team’s cohesion and boost everyone’s productivity by providing the best work environment and employee benefits possible.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, like all other companies, 100% of our employees worked from home. At that time, it became clear to us that we needed to start looking into more flexible options. And create a flexible mobility plan that fits the needs of all employees. That’s when we contacted Mbrella.”

The solution: the implementation of the mobility budget and an easy-to-use budget management platform

Semetis implemented the mobility budget. Instead of the traditional company car, employees receive a budget they can spend on +100 mobility options. Employees who live close to the office (max. 10km) or work from home more than 51% can choose to pay their rent or capital on their mortgage with the mobility budget. This interesting salary optimization is what convinced Semetis to offer a mobility budget. One of the main reasons why companies struggle to move towards flexible mobility? The follow-up has a higher administrative workload for the HR-manager than the car. Also for Semetis this was a barrier to offer a mobility budget.

“As much as employee wellbeing is central, we were also looking for a solution that wouldn’t drastically increase the workload of the team. That’s why we chose to work with Mbrella. They are the only HR platform for mobility management that is directly connected with our payroll.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 100% of our employees worked from home. It became clear to us that we needed to start looking into more flexible mobility options. To create a flexible mobility plan that fits the needs of every employee. That’s when we contacted Mbrella.

Alisson Nonclercq
Happiness / HR Manager

People ❤️ Mbrella

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 100% of our employees worked from home. It became clear to us that we needed to start looking into more flexible mobility options. To create a flexible mobility plan that fits the needs of every employee. That’s when we contacted Mbrella.

Alisson Nonclercq
Happiness / HR Manager

I live in Brussels and didn't use my company car a lot so I switched to a mobility budget. I won a lot on mobility options and can now even pay my apartment rent with the mobility budget.

Dario Deserranno

The mobility budget has proved an ideal solution for colleagues who like to cycle, prefer public transport whether or not in combination with a scooter or bicycle, or for colleagues who do not (yet) have a driver's license.

Joachim Nuyttens
Managing Director HR & Quality