Mobility newsletter February 2024

What's new in mobility? At the start of each month, we share the latest news related to mobility.
In the news 📰
From 1 September 2024, SUV owners will have to pay more to park their car publicly in Paris. Parisians were allowed to decide on this in a referendum. You will pay 18 euros per hour in arrondissements 1 to 11 and 12 euros per hour in the other arrondissements. This will not include Parisians, people working in Paris and the disabled. All this as SUVs emit more and also cause more road accidents. Source
In the first half of 2023, 61,692 fines were issued for smartphone use while driving. That's 339 per day or 14 per hour. 1 in 4 Belgians surveyed admits to to read a message or check social media behind the wheel at least once per month (Vias Insitute, 2023). With this, we do just as badly compared to other European countries. A road safety campaign has therefore been launched in Flanders. Source
Mobility facts 🧮
In 2023, there were 38,347 users of shared cars in Flanders. This is 11 per cent more than in 2022. So the demand for shared cars is rising. The supply is also rising, with 225 out of 300 Flemish municipalities currently offering shared cars. The number of shared cars will have increased by a third in 2023 compared to 2022. Source
Did you know❓
Antwerp's tram and train network will be greatly expanded in the coming years. The requests of the Toekomstverbond, related to the Oosterweel connection have been approved. This will include a tram connecting the districts and a passenger train to the port of Antwerp on the Ringspoor. Source
Flemings can apply for a premium for the purchase of an electric car. The electric car must be a passenger car or a light van with a maximum cost of 40,000 euros. The premium is 5,000 euros, but there is a maximum of 25% of the purchase price. Within 90 days of the purchase, the premium must be applied for via the Flemish government's digital counter. Source
Wallonia will raise the bridges over the Albert Canal to 9.10 metres clearance. In this way, Wallonia will follow the works carried out in Flanders. This is a strategic move for the port of Liège, allowing it to move goods faster and more efficiently. Source